Gardening Tips for Organic Gardening

More RegenBioSoil Resources

RegenBioSoil Resources, Today’s Human Health Crisis and Future Change

The webpages below on RegenBioSoil Resources, by the many Natural Health Professionals and those involved in Soil Science, provide us with updated Soil, Nutritional and Functional Medicines advice for today’s and future health crisis. This advice can be applied to your lives from the day it is released when you are involved with RegenBiosoil.  See webpages below.

In brief, what you will find.

In the last 100 years the food chain has Denatured our Essential Foods. We know we must change, we hope that RegenBiosoil will inspire you to make that change. Nature will guide you and it is a good idea to join one of the many Regenerative/organics groups. When making the decision to start, be mindful that the foods we consume as we grow older have to be healthier and fresher.

We hope you now have enough information to commence regenerating your foods topsoil. We will eventually have two YouTube video clips available. You will see at the end of this article where you can contribute towards the promotion of RegenBiosoil, this would be appreciated as we are individuals not a corporation, we just wish to get this to everyone whom possibly needs it.

First Video Clip will be for urban residential living. It will further explain RegenBiosoil and PGS marketing. It will demonstrate what is hard to explain in words, and also have information for the RegenBiosoil produce purchaser.

Second Video Clip will be for all farmers and livestock producers. It will further explain scaled up production of liquid compost and Regenigation. It is only natural that you will be using Bunkers and Windrows for your composting. Over the next 12 months we will be having 2 trials. One will be with Sugar Cane production on the northern Gold Coast, 500kg of fertiliser is used per Hectare, we aim to find out how much Liquid compost is required to achieve the same production. The second trial will be with the production of cattle fodder 10 kl west of Gravesend on the Gwydir River, it will be with dry land fodder production as well as Flood Regenigation.


This start-up composition is simply a good guide as updated information is gathered and experience becomes available, change is inevitable.

The quality of the composting  vegetation is always important. Tree branches and leaves are said to be the best, however all forms of vegetation can be utilised if they are nearby.

When sourcing forms of vegetation for composting make sure that it has not been sprayed with pesticides or weedicides. Environmental toxins can be traced in vegetation however the composting process can mostly eliminate them.

Council often will supply you with a lot of chipped green waste, often free. Also tree loppers will deliver to you, if you are nearby it may be free, otherwise they have to pay to take it to a landfill.


The Natra-Min is an example of Known Minerals and the Soft Rock is a Micro-Mineral/Nutrient compound. Known minerals are available from rural garden or hardware supplies.

Micro-Mineral/Nutrient compounds may be harder to source. Soft Rock is available from most rural and garden supplies. Micro-Mineral/Nutrient compounds are available from the internet or ask your garden suppliers to source them for you.



PO BOX 54, BELLINGEN NSW 2454 – PH: 02 6655 0566


It has to be weed free and not sprayed with chemicals for 5 years or preferably newer. There is possibly a good market for regional farmers to supply virgin clay soil either bulk or bagged to the city.

BY-PRODUCTS AND MANURES have been sold as natural and organic fertilisers over the last 40 years. There has been and there will always be the risk of harmful pathogens passing through our leafy greens to us and causing outbreaks of food poisoning. They have proved to be an average substitute compared to well composted soil.

Manures can be added to your RegenBiosoil only if you are confident with the composting temperature achieve. Worm castings and worm juice can always be added.

Over the last 20 years I have heard many farmers say that regenerative agriculture has no place in broad-acre farming. I think I can remember myself saying the same. We all have to face up to the truth that synthetic fertilisers are at the top of the list of causes towards the health crisis in Australia and countries who follow similar agricultural practices.

I can say one statement based on my experiences and that is:

‘The way to Regenerate our FOOD PRODUCING TOPSOILS will be with regular applications of concentrated liquid compost injection”.

Equipment is already available for moisture injection/application and for most farmers tined implements can be adapted suitable for liquid compost injection.



Liquid Compost is totally different to Compost Tea, also it is very different to hydroponic compost which in some countries can be certified as organic.

The nutrient availability to the soil is in proportion to the amount of composted vegetation that has been diffused into liquid compost. For home and market gardeners 15 Kg of well composted vegetation can be diffused into 800 litres of water. Fermentation is maintained until it is watered onto plants or injected into soil.

For lifestyle and broad acre farmers they would be diffusing well composted vegetation into a pumpable slurry. Fermentation is maintained until it is injected into the soil.

There is every possibility that pumpable liquid compost slurry will become one of the major Regenerative Practices introduced as the foundation for the future food chain.

One statement we all can make is that “the day is getting closer to when the consumer will only purchase produce from the well composted soil”. Also rural land values could be based on the number of Regenerative Practices introduced over time.

At this diffusion stage the Known Minerals and the Micro Mineral/Nutrient Compounds are added – see the introduction (Composition of RegenBiosoil).

RegenBiosoil is the only form of agriculture that attempts to address the problems associated with our Micro Mineral/Nutrient deficiencies.

The Ending

Quote from the Organic Consumer’s Association 1st December 2021:

“We face multiple crises: mad science, engineered bioweapons disguised as biomedical or biodefense, pesticides, herbicides, GMO’s, soil degradation, species extinction, air and water pollution, climate instability, the proliferation of nutrient-deficient junk food.”

To better understand the statement above please refer to the writing and YouTube videos from Dr Zach Bush and Dr Vandana Shiva. They speak about the confusion within humanity and how it is in direct proportion to our soil degradation.

With reference to the above from the Organic Consumer’s Association, corruption and greed are said to be placing humanity at risk in many parts of the world.

RegenBiosoil can enable you to affordably survive outside the systems which created the above.

We can all be surprised by the SPEED and EASE that RegenBiosoil enables us to be consuming our essential foods that are grown in the soil based on nature and take control of our health at the same time.

Dr Zach Bush

Chemical Farming and The Loss of Human Health.



Dr Joseph Mercola

Founder of  A Leader in Natural Health–He has the worlds’ largest NATURAL HEALTH NEWSLETTER [Free].  Giving you the most updated Trustworthy News, from all over the world—–SOIL—–HEALTH—–LIFESTYLE.RegenBioSoil Regenerative Gardening




Dr Mark Hyman

Everything you need to know about Functional Medicines.




Dr Stephen R Gundry MD – Best Selling Author

He “believes that eliminating lectins will not only lower inflammation, but will also help you lose weight and boost your overall wellness.”

His list of books are:
Dr Grundy’s Diet evolution, The Plant Paradox Cookbook, The Longevity Paradox and unlocking the Keto Code.
– Visit Wikipedia, Youtube for more info.

Dr Paul Mason, Sydney Australia



Paul knows the biggest health issues facing Australians. His Youtube clips educate all of us with the most up to date world class nutritional research.

Paul explains how with nutrition we can change our lives, reversing and preventing health issues; he does not want us to be negligent to ourselves.

Dr Vandana Shiva

She talks about the spirituality of soil in connection to our Common Spiritual Sense.



Why We Need Organic Food

TedX Talk

Future of Food: Dictatorship or Democracy

She seems to help everyone make sense out of life

If you are new to REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE, just visit REGENERATION INTERNATIONAL. You will find National and Regional based groups near you.

Organic Consumers Association.

Biodynamic Agriculture Australia Ltd.
