Gardening Tips for Organic Gardening


Main – What RegenBioSoil Is

ReGenBioSoil DIY Main


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RegenBiosoil - Regenerative Gardening


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This is an intensive form of agriculture that fast-tracks the composting processes. The Regen stands for Regenerative. The Bio stands for Biological forms of cultures based on nature. This affordable system enables real Regenerative soil-based agriculture in High Rise residential buildings and it is suitable for all urban or regional house gardens and can easily be scaled up to renew the biology back into the topsoil on all large scale cropping or grazing enterprises – and everything in between.

RegenBiosoil is about soil health increase as time goes by. The increase is passed onto ourselves with each future harvest.

QUOTE FROM DR. ZACH BUSH 14th September, 2021:

“Only one thing good has come from COVID-19. Pre-pandemic, there was no hope or desire for changing our present chemical agriculture practiced throughout possibly 40% of our world. Now 2021, has been the saddest chapter in human history. COVID has led to the realization that our chemical farming practices have removed the medicines from our foods. All farmers, food producers and self-made gardeners are now prepared to become a participant in the regeneration of our food producing soils and the production of pure food from the soils where the soils are based on nature.”


Composition of RegenBiosoil

Approximate formula that I have been using. This is a start-up composition which has been worked out with the Biodynamic/Organic organisations.All forms of life including our immunity are conceived and birthed in our soils! Scientists now state that:  ‘Such processes are as mysterious as Creation itself’. The DNA of the microbes in the soil is passed onto plants. When we consume the plant leaves and fruits, the DNA of the soil becomes ours. For more see Dr Zach Bush and others on our More Resources page

75% well composted vegetation consisting of tree branches and leaves, make the best topsoil. Also, garden and crop residues including weeds can be used.

Added to RegenBiosoil at all times will be:

A Mineral mix of Known Minerals

Micro-mineral/nurtrient compounds from both land and ocean floor – Science says they are equally as important to our health as Known Minerals, they are numerous and have not been named. They are present in well-composted soil. This explains our MICRONUTRIENT INADEQUACIES that we never know about and no one or any doctor can help us. This also means we have to know that our essential foods have been grown in well composted soil.

Soil Enhancer-Probiotic preparation from the land and sea

soil with a good clay content



Below are the sources of “FOREVER CHEMICALS” and possible “HARMFUL PATHOGENS”








Everyone has the right to produce the above start-up RegenBiosoil. Soil scientists with the Biodynamic/organic Groups and organisations will provide FUTURE recommendations to improve this start-up RegenBiosoil. Future updated world class soil and health information can become part of your life from the day it is released.

It is unfortunate that a considerable proportion of the food we consume looks exactly the same as the food that is grown in real soil. RegenBiosoil  combined with Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) enables you to become part of your own food chain. All fake foods that are synthetically grown or cultured in a laboratory can never sustain human health.


·  Start a RegenBiosoil garden for your household. Convert your existing home garden to a RegenBiosoil garden

·  With RegenBiosoil in your garden, your plants become healthier with each future harvest for you as time goes by. This means producing food and beverages with increased quality for your daily consumption. This also means that your last meal on planet earth can be the healthiest in your life this is our birthright.

·  I now regard the RegenBiosoil in my Bio-Accumulator as an asset. They are now in their fifth year of regeneration and if I ever move residence the soils go with me.

·  With space as big as a home swimming pool, you can grow your ‘Essential Foods’, Beverages’ and ‘Functional Medicines’ for your family.

·  ‘Functional Medicines’ are ‘Foods’ that prevent and reverse human diseases and ailments. (God placed in nature the biology for all human needs.)

·  Enables the elimination of all chemical and synthetic preservatives that are used in most processed foods, beverages and pre-cooked foods – See our More Resources page.

·  Most families will have surpluses from time to time. This can be given away or be part of a small business. I say ‘small business’ because the supply line must be short.  It is impossible for any form of big business to supply or grow your essential freshly photosynthesised produce and deliver on a daily basis. See PGS (participatory guarantee systems)

·  People living in isolated regional towns and farms have been disadvantaged by the present food chain, simply because of the time and distance between when produce is picked and how far you are away from the centralised distribution centres. These people also have the most to gain from RegenBiosoil.

·  RegenBiosoil growing of microgreens in Grow Rooms under LED lighting could become a feature of Residential Unit Dwelling. See More Resources page. If you are connected to city or town mains water supplies, it is best to install industrial size filtration.

·  It is possible for intensively grown microgreens to provide most of your essential foods. They are easy and quick to grow, have a higher protein content than the eventual fruits and can be snap frozen for when you are away from home. Just Google MICROGREENS to be informed, how and what to grow and the health benefits of each.

·  Now you can become involved in RegenBiosoil, in Australia with an average size house yard, it is possible to do everything.

·  Start-up enterprises could be constructing Bio-Accumulators, supplying vegetation, woodchip/shredder contractors, composters,  production of RegenBiosoil, processing of liquid compost, supplying of RegenBiosoil and Liquid compost, distributers and delivery, potted plants and the sale of RegenBiosoil produce. You are needed, take a risk. There are numerous reasons why the next 20 years have to be different to our last 20 years.

·  Share agreements similar to share-farming could enable those who do not have land a start. Australia has many lifestyle farms, they could be turned into productive enterprises. Neighbours, friends, or nearby community could form RegenBiosoil  PGS  groups and become responsible for your own food chain.

Produce and farmer markets could become the community centers where consumers and Regenbiosoil producers meet and establish PGS groups.



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